Month: February 2021

  • Paggis – pork haggis

    Shh, don’t tell anyone in Scotland but… I made haggis from pork instead of lamb. I know, it’s probably sacrilege, but pork is a fraction of the price of lamb, and simple economics dictate that if I want delicious haggisness, it needs to be in a reasonable price bracket. So… paggis! (And thank you to…

  • Keto friendly chocolate syrup

    1 cup / 240ml water 1/2 cup / 120ml cocoa powder 1/3 cup / 80ml no sugar granular sweetener of your choice pinch salt 1 teaspoon vanilla Add the first 4 ingredients to a small saucepan. Bring to a boil, then simmer for 5 minutes or until thickened. Add vanilla and stir to incorporate. MOCHA…

  • Liver pate

    8 rashers long streaky bacon 1 pound of calves liver 3 or 4 tablespoons cream or evaporated milk 1 egg (beaten) garlic to taste seasoning to taste Butter a loaf tin and arrange about 5 of the rashers of bacon on the bottom. Put the liver and the remainder of the bacon through a mincer…

  • Nougat

    Nougat is something I always associated with a sickly sweet, weirdly papery, somewhat stale confection. Freshly home made nougat is far from that, and well worth making at home. A couple of warnings. You will be handling sugar syrup, also known as culinary napalm. Please handle with extreme care, you don’t want 3rd degree burns.…

  • Jam roly poly recipe

    A new word for a lot of Americans will be “stodge”. It’s a word with many negative connotations, but in the case of Jam Roly Poly that’s what it’s supposed to be – a stodgy comfort food designed to deliver calories straight to your waistline. Enjoy! 300g / 10.5oz / 2 cups AP flour or…

  • Gluten Free cake or pudding flour

    One of the interesting aspects of cooking gluten free is that you don’t have the convenience of only using a couple of flours. You need to use different blends depending on what you’re doing. This flour blend works great for cakes and for puddings, too. While I previously wrote up a pudding flour blend, this…